This Thursday 17th and Saturday 19th November, surveys of shoppers will be taking place in Naas town centre, on behalf of Kildare County Council.  The survey is part of a pilot Town Centre Health Check training programme, being developed by The Heritage Council of Ireland and RGDATA, in conjunction with 10 participating towns across the country. Naas has been chosen to participate in this pilot initiative.


A key aim of the Town Centre Health Check Training Programme is to raise awareness, understanding and appreciation of the critical role that our historic town centres play. The vitality, vibrancy and viability of town centres have wide ranging effects on overall socio-economic, environmental and cultural growth and development, and on quality of life for citizens and visitors alike.


The Town Centre Health Check for Naas is a collaborative effort between Kildare County Council, members of North Kildare Chamber, Naas Tidy Towns and other local business representatives, along with  students of Waterford Institute of Technology. The Health Check will establish an innovative baseline, to help monitor and drive the development of the town centre going forward. The work of the Town Centre Health Check will include

  • Land Use surveys to establish the overall vacancy rates in the town.
  • Retailer surveys to establish current levels of commercial activity and outlook.
  • Pedestrian counts to establish actual town centre visitor numbers.
  • Shoppers surveys to rate visitor experience and satisfaction.

Pedestrian counts and shopper surveys will take place in Naas this Thursday and Saturday. A retailer survey will follow in the coming months. Members of the public and business owners are encouraged to participate and give their views on their experiences in the town centre. It is an opportunity to shape Naas town centre and strengthen it into the future, to make it an attractive place to work, live and visit.


For further information please contact:

Bébhinn O’Shea (Executive Planner),

Kildare County Council, Aras Chill Dara, Devoy Park, Naas, County Kildare

(045) 980767