1. Rates Compliance Legislation proposed for 2017

It has been reported in the media that the Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government is drafting legislation to be brought to cabinet in 2017 which will give new powers to Local Authorities to collect rates payments from business. It is reported that the proposal will introduce a new Rates Compliance certificate, similar to the Revenue Tax clearance certificate, which will then be mandatory when applying for state licences, public contracts or state grants. Local Authorities will have new powers to pursue businesses that are in arrears on rates payments.

We will keep members of the chamber informed of any developments when the proposed legislation is published


  1. Survey request

The PPC ( Prompt Payment Code) is an important prompt payment initiative that was specifically developed by business for business and, if supported by business, can make a real difference towards moving to a culture of prompt payment in Ireland.


The aim of the survey, which should take no longer than five minutes to complete, is to gain a better understanding of how Prompt Payment is perceived and thereby assist in improving the culture of business to business payment practices in Ireland.


Survey – https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/7LJQ56H