County Kildare Chamber is a membership organisation. For us, having an active membership is really important.

We would hate to think there were benefits and services you were missing out on, so we’ve produced a handy guide to getting the most out of Chamber membership.


A helping hand to getting started and building a strong network

Chamber Ambassadors are Chamber members who have seen the value of Chamber membership and are passionate about helping existing members and new or potential members to make the most of their membership.

They reach out to new members in particular and share their experiences of being a Chamber member. They ‘look after’ new members who may be attending their first networking meeting or Chamber event, introducing them to other members and helping them connect with people. They share any practical tips and advice they might have based on their first-hand experience.

For existing members, a chat with a Chamber Ambassador is a good way to give feedback to the Chamber.

For their part, Ambassadors must be willing to:

  • Provide testimonials of how membership has helped their business
  • Have good knowledge and awareness of membership services
  • Commit to attending a certain number of meetings each year
  • Meet and assist new members at events

If being a Chamber Ambassador appeals to you, email Jennifer/Allan?


The members-only area is your way to reach out to the over 400 members of County Kildare Chamber, share your news and offer and avail of exclusive member-only deals.


We all know how important word of mouth is when it comes to recruitment. There’s every chance that a Chamber member will know the perfect person to fill your position. As a member, you can share job opportunities in your business through the Members-only Area.

Check out the opportunities currently available within our members’ businesses and organisations.

See Cork Chamber’s site – they list the jobs that have been posted by members, which would seem to be a good idea.