A a therapist Derek has studied and praciticed a range of eastern and western approaches  to treating physical pain. He uses the most effective techniques he has found in his practice over 25 years to treat back and neck pain, muscular tension and stiffness, joint strain restrictions and injuries gently restoring movement, ease and  pain free mobility. He also addresses headaches and other symptoms of stress which can include fatigue and low energy.

As a personal empowerment coach he works with people feeling anxious, frustrated, stuck in a rut, lacking confidence or direction in life.

He helps them solve their own problems by accessing resourceful states and find their own solutions, improving their creative thinking and develop empowering habits. 


He also runs stress resilience clinics in the workplace with the HSE with his partner Linda supporting staff, teaching techniques, processes and tools to  help better manage stress in work and in life in general, more effectively.


He has taught and practiced Japanese physical therapy (Amatsu), Japanese marital arts and natural body movement principles, Kinesiology, cranio- sacral therapy, remedial massage, Neuro Linguistic Programming and Transformational Energy Healing and meditation. He works with individuals and also facilitates groups.


He has a practice in Sallins in Kildare and Lucan Co. Dublin.

Ph 087 869 1231

www. derekplunkett.com
