Following the announcement that EirGrid has submitted a Strategic Infrastructure Development planning application to An Bord Pleanála for the project in April 2023, EirGrid has been preparing for Ground Investigations along the route. These works are required to determine the presence of underground services, to identify the ground conditions, and to help design the layout and location of the proposed cable.
The Ground Investigations will be undertaken by experienced contractors, who will be supervised by EirGrid and their specialist engineering partners. The proposed Ground Investigations will take place in both on and off-road locations where the project route is proposed. The works will be completed under licence from Meath and Kildare County Councils and in consultation with key stakeholders like TII, Waterways Ireland, and Irish Rail.
All off-road works will be discussed in detail with the affected landowners. EirGrid will work with the landowners to minimise damage to the land and will restore agricultural land where it is needed.
The on-road works are likely to require some lane closures and where roads are particularly narrow a full road closure will be required. A full traffic management plan has been prepared and will be reviewed by Meath and Kildare County Councils. This will mean temporary traffic lights or stop/go system being used similar to other utility companies. The works will be planned to minimise disruption to commuters, to maintain access to homes and businesses, and ensure access for emergency vehicles.
We apologise in advance for any disruption and we appreciate your understanding. These Ground Investigations are a necessary part of the Kildare Meath Upgrade project. It will help to more effectively transfer power to the east of the country and distribute it within the electricity network in Meath, Kildare and surrounding counties, while meeting the Government of Ireland’s Climate Action Plan target of up to 80% renewable energy generation by 2030.
For further information please contact your local Agricultural Liaison Officers John Boylan 087 255 6697 or Liam Wynne 087 226 1804 or email KildareMeath@eirgrid.com. You can also contact Local Community Liaison Officers Grainne Duffy 085 887 4798 or Eoghan O’Sullivan 087 247 7732
Please find link to interactive map detailing route – Kildare Meath Grid Upgrade Interactive Route Map
All project documents can be found at Related Documents (eirgridgroup.com)
Please note that GI works will commence at the R448 Kilashee, Naas area on Monday 14th august and will be completed by Saturday 26th August.
All GI works across the route will stop on 26th August for 2 weeks to allow for return to school etc. During these 2 weeks the rest of the GI works program will be planned.