Chris Garde
Dublin City Council Smart Cities Unit
Register here
for the webinar
on 25 October 2018 starting at 13:00 Irish time
The term ‘smart’ is now quite widely, and sometimes loosely used … smart cars, smart agriculture, smart kettles, smart tooth brushes; and of course, smart cities. Dublin City Council is at the forefront in Ireland in moving towards the introduction of smart technologies and the associated infrastructures as part of its programme to create a more citizen friendly and efficient city.
Chris’ presentation will:
- Discuss* what is a smart city;
- Contextualise smart cities within the broader sustainable development framework;
- Outline some current trends and challenges in the smart cities paradigm;
- Highlight some of the main Dublin City Council smart cities initiatives which are being taken;
- Speculate regarding how the smart cities paradigm might change over the coming years.
*There is no current generally accepted definition of a smart city.
Chris Garde is a Smart City Planner at Dublin City Council. He brings traditional City Planning, GIS and Data Analytics closer together through Smart Dublin’s championing of real-world projects. Smart Dublin provides a platform to test-bed innovative and pragmatic solutions to smart city, smart district and smart planning related issues facing Dublin’s city region inter alia; housing, drainage, waste management, governance, economy, mobility, climate change and connectivity. Chris holds a BSc from Trinity College Dublin, HDip in Geographic Information Science (GIS) from Maynooth University, HDip in Data Analytics from National College of Ireland, Diploma in Property Economics and MSc in Spatial Planning from Dublin Institute of Technology.
If you wish to see any of our 15 past monthly webinars please visit our IRLOGI web site at www.irlogi.ie
The 15 topics covered in the past webinars are:
- Drones (June 2017);
- Open Geospatial Consortium (July 2017);
- UN Global Geospatial Information Management Core Datasets (August 2017);
- The EU’s GDPR Privacy Regulations (September 2017);
- Open Street Map Ireland (October 2017);
- Copernicus Climate Change Service (November 2017);
- Key Geospatial Trends (December 2017);
- Data Cubes (January 2018);
- GI and Development Challenges in The Gambia (February 2018);
- The Innovative use of Spatial Data and Technologies in Irish Local Authorities (March 2018);
- Security and Privacy: Should GI Professionals Worry About Them (April 2018);
- Processing Point Cloud Data: New Developments at the Cutting Edge (May 2018);
- Public Consultation with Drones, LIDAR and Gaming Technology (June 2018);
- Semantics and Geography (July 2018)
- Airbus – Imagery, Technologies and Partnership Opportunities (September 2018)
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