Jennifer Forster, Membership and Events Manager with North Kildare Chamber today highlighted the need for businesses in Kildare to trade online.
A growing number of Irish businesses are changing to embrace the opportunities presented by the revolution in online consumption. Data from the EU Commission’s digital economic and social index shows that 32% of Irish SMEs (10+ employees) are trading online, which puts Ireland well ahead of the EU average. However, smaller businesses tend to be significantly less engaged in online activity.
Jennifer Forster said “Small businesses are the backbone of every town and village in Kildare and, with consumers across Ireland now spending almost €850,000 online each hour, trading online is essential to create new business, new jobs and new exports. Changes in consumption patterns are growing rapidly in importance and impact. As a small, open economy, our small businesses need to compete in a global market place and the Trading Online Voucher is one way for them to get ahead”.
Our Local Enterprise Office in Kildare is hosting a seminar on the online trading voucher scheme on Tuesday 24th January and we encourage business to attend. The Trading Online Voucher Scheme offers a financial incentive of up to €2,500 to small businesses to develop their trading online capacity, along with training, mentoring and networking support.
Allan Shine, CEO of the Chamber said “The scheme is helping small and micro enterprises grow on average by 21%, increase employment by 35%, and 3 in 5 begin to export. Digital trade is contributing to sustainable regional economic development”. I would encourage any small business owner who wants to begin their trading online journey to contact the Local Enterprise Office in Kildare today and apply for a Trading Online Voucher”.