Notification of Free Work Experience Placement


The Naas IT & Office Skills is a 38 week computer course for adults certified with a Major Award in Business Administration at Level 5. The course aims to prepare 14 trainees to be able to work within an office environment. As part of their journey to obtain this award, they are required to complete work experience within a company in an office environment. For the duration of 13 weeks, these trainees are available to work within your company free of charge for 2 days per week on the set days (Monday and Tuesdays). While there they are fully insured by FÁS and receive their usual training allowance. The work experience is due to start on Monday, 16th September 2013 and finishes on Tuesday, 10th December 2013.


We would hope that they become a valuable asset for your company and assist you with any administration duties. They will continue to train on the course for the remaining days of the week so their skills will be continually improving over the work experience duration. We would be very thankful if you could provide work experience for one of our trainees. Please feel free to contact us for more information.

Eleanor Lucas

Project Coordinator


Josephine Thackaberry

Assistant Coordinator

045 895450 Ext 37 (Coordinators Office)

085 2809469 (Mobile)